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Tough Holiday Workout | STEP, STRENGTH, CARDIO
Dec 272024
Because there were no classes at the gym this week, and participants were sad, I decided to go in and film one of my classes so you could work out at home and be ready for me upon our return to fitness classes in January. This is a tough workout that incorporates the step and 10-pound hand weights. You can modify as necessary, and even without the step, you will get a killer workout. 🔗 Book a Complimentary Session: 🛠️ Download Betrayal Recovery Toolkit: 🔔 Subscribe and hit the bell icon to get notified about our upcoming videos where I'll delve deeper into why this approach is unique and how it can benefit you! 👉 SUBSCRIBE -    / @loracheadlelifechoreographer   👍 If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up and share it with anyone who might benefit from it. 📢 Connect to the "Step Aerobics workouts" playlist 🚀 Connect with me Further: 📌 Website: 📌 Facebook:   / lifechoreographer   📌 Facebook:   / lora.cheadle   📌 Instagram:   / loracheadle   📌 LinkedIn:   / lora-cheadle-lifechoreographer   ➣ Thank you for watching the "Tough Holiday Workout | STEP, STRENGTH, CARDIO" video #workout #fitnesschallenge #cardio #step #strength #holidayworkout #stepstrengthcardio #stayactiveholidays #toughworkout #holidayfitnessm #strengthandcardio #stepworkout #fitfortheholidays #holidayhealth #personalgrowth #infidelityrecovery #holistichealing #emotionalwellness #mentalhealth #divorcesupport #loracheadle #selfworth #relationshipadvice #betrayalrecovery #affairrecovery #infidelity #betrayal #burnout

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Lora Cheadle-Life Choreography Coaching & Advocacy

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